Thanks to aspiring entrepreneur Christoph von Herrath for posing these questions in our mentoring session last week. Christoph and I were matched by the mentoring programme of Student Incubator Vali Berlin.

Thanks to aspiring entrepreneur Christoph von Herrath for posing these questions in our mentoring session last week. Christoph and I were matched by the mentoring programme of Student Incubator Vali Berlin.
Recently in our weekly user interviews at Lightmeter we’ve heard enthusiastic phrases like “I need this now”, and “I’m ready to buy already”. Lucky us (it took weeks to get here)!
One way of turning such positive sentiment into a concrete and quantifiable resource is to whip out a Letter of Understanding, sometimes also referred to as a Memorandum of Understanding, and ask the other party to sign on the line.… Read the rest
Today as millions of people begin full time remote working for the first time I have collected parts of talks and mentoring sessions from the last 12 years of my remote and home office work, including the full time remote management my previous company: phpList, for over four years.… Read the rest
“Open Source takes Product Management to a whole new level — I had no idea!” said one workshop participant in Poland this Summer. “How on earth do you keep all those stakeholders happy?”.… Read the rest
Written last month on the flight back from a startup mentoring expedition to Egypt with Seedstars
Managing a young startup is like freefalling without a parachute. The ground gets ever closer — if you don’t do something fast, you’ll hit hard.… Read the rest