:::: MENU ::::

De l’impact politique d’apprendre aux enfants la libre programmation

Lizette Greco - CC by-nc-sa

This French article is reproduced from Framablog[2], and is a translation of my article “Will teaching children basic programming skills have a political impact?“.

Apprendre les rudiments de la programmation aux enfants aura-t-il un impact politique ?

La BBC m’a envoyé un courrier électronique la semaine dernière pour me demander mon avis sur la rumeur actuelle qui voudrait que le gouvernement britannique ajoute des compétences informatiques de base aux programmes scolaires en mettant l’accent sur un éventuel impact politique que ceci pourrait avoir sur la façon dont la société interagit avec les technologies.… Read the rest


This year four things particularly struck me about the annual Free and Open Source Developer’s European Meeting (FOSDEM) in Brussels.

Lots of new software

Attending FOSDEM is always a great opportunity to find awesome new Free Software projects to make your life and work easier, and with more than 420 speakers in the “dev rooms” alone, and more tracks and conference rooms than ever, 2012 was especially fruitful in this regard.… Read the rest

Get wireless working on Fedora with BCM4313


BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)

This is the built-in wifi on the Lenovo B570 (and many other laptops).

[UPDATE: As of updates applied on 15.04.12, wifi is again broken (curse you Fedora and your inadequate testing suites!) – I’m currently working on finding a fix ]

[UPDATE: The fix is to connect temporarily using another method (ethernet cable, 3G, or wifi dongle), update your system using yum update, and then reboot.… Read the rest