ownCloud uses automated testing to check for problems, and writing and executing these tests is important for any contributor. In my capacity as an ownCloud systems developer I use these tests to quickly verify that my apps don’t break after merging or pulling new code.… Read the rest
The future of quality and testing in ownCloud
At the last ownCloud sprint in Berlin we ran a workgroup on QA and testing. In my capacity as an ownCloud systems developer, myself and four others spent a day working on how to improve the quality and stability of ownCloud in future, with a particular focus on tools and automation of checks and reviews.… Read the rest
Parliamentary candidates challenged to digital debate in Manchester
19.00, 7th Nov at the Dancehouse Theatre, Manchester, UK – Free Entry
Manchester Central candidates will be challenged to explain how they will defend citizen’s privacy and free speech online.
Recent arrests for “offensive tweets” and proposals to put the whole UK population under Internet surveillance and data collection have thrown digital issues into the forefront of political debate.… Read the rest
Install Google Dart language on Fedora 17
The JavaScript related Dart language has a compiler and IDE provided by Google. The project developers work on Ubuntu, and so in order to get these tools working on Fedora we have to make a couple of preparations. These instructions are designed for Fedora 17 64-bit, and were tested using Dart version 14167.… Read the rest
Install Android Emulator in Fedora 17
Android emulator allows you to test apps and websites from an Android user’s perspective, without the need for a physical Android device. The Emulator does not work “out of the box” in Fedora however, and only a version for 32-bit machines is provided.… Read the rest