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Achieve reverse reverb (echo) effect with GNU/Linux audio plugins

Objective: achieve a reverse reverb effect using only MIDI and Free Software audio plugins. What we’re aiming for is the same piano effect that’s used on “Planisphere” by Justice (one of my favourite tracks).

Approach: I’ll use Qtractor Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), with a piano MIDI instrument, and the Impulse Response (IR) LV2 plugin.… Read the rest

Use sfArk SoundFont instruments on GNU / Linux

SoundFont is a technology for generating sample-based instrument sounds. It’s supported on GNU/Linux by a variety of apps, including Qsynth, which can be used as an external JACK instrument and connected to Digital Audio Workstations like Ardour 3 and Qtractor.

Many SoundFont instruments are freely available, but some of them are compressed and instead of of the .sf2… Read the rest

Login as SuperUser on Murmur / Mumble-server on Debian

I’m trying out Murmur / Mumble-server at the moment for conference calls and meetings for FSFE campaigns. The service is great, and audio quality top-notch. Installation and configuration was generally very simple.

In order to have private conversations however (where uninvited users cannot participate), you must first log in as the pre-configured admin user, called ‘SuperUser’.… Read the rest

Install Ardour 3.1 on Fedora

Ardour 3 is the most powerful Free Software music software currently available. Although Fedora isn’t a GNU/Linux distribution that’s designed for audio professionals, with a little work it can be configured to process sound with low-latency (without 20+ millisecond delays or artefacts like pops and crackles), and get easy access to repositories with many recent pro-audio apps.… Read the rest

Use Twidere Twitter client with identi.ca

Twidere is a great Free Software Twitter client for Android that also works with identi.ca. The identi.ca server must be configured manually however in order to do this. The below instructions work with Twidere 0.2.1.

  1. Tap the accounts tab (fourth icon from left with multiple human silhouettes)
  2. Tap the ‘+’ button top right to add a new account
  3. Tap the server icon top right next to the spanner icon to configure the server
  4. Change the REST Base URL to https://identi.ca/api
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