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FSFE at the DIY Feminist Festival in Manchester

On 4th September Anna Morris, Yuwei Lin and I gave presentations of Free Software at the DIY Feminist Festival in Manchester.

Festival timetable

Festival timetable

feminist festival venue

feminist festival venue

feminist festival venue

My talk introducing Free Software

My talk introducing Free Software

Free Software and Feminism talk

Free Software and Feminism talk with Anna Morris

Open Street Map workshop 1

Open Street Map workshop with Yuwei Lin

During the Open Street Map workshop a group of us went into the large park near the venue and added detail using pre-printed paper maps and mobile devices. Before the workshop the chapel at which the festival was held was on Open Street Map at all, and the park was mostly just a green mass with none of the fences, footpaths, buildings, or play areas listed. Our team of volunteers added significant detail to the existing map, making it a far more useful and accurate representation. The changes from the workshop are now viewable on the Open Street Map website.

OSM mapped area

Area mapped during the Open Street Map workshop

See Yu-wei’s blog post for more detail on the contributions made to OSM during the workshop.

So, what do you think ?