Webgen does not work with new versions of Ruby. Using Webgen installed using ruby and rubygems from Fedora repos results in errors including “obsolete and deprecated Config”.
To get webgen to work, we will use RVM (Ruby Version Manager). This allows you install multiple versions of ruby side by side. RVM is not available in Fedora repositories, and must be manually installed.
- If you have already installed ruby from a repository, remove it:
yum remove ruby ruby-libs rubygems
- As root, install RVM, and follow the on-screen instructions:
curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby
Note: the leading backslash () is intentional and could be important - Install Ruby 1.8.6:
rvm install 1.8.6
Note: you can see what versions are available to install using: rvm list known - Switch to use Ruby 1.8.6 by default:
rvm use 1.8.6
Note: You can check that it worked using: ruby -v
Note: If you want this to be permanent, for all shells, and not just the terminal you’re currently using, execute: rvm use 1.8.6 –default - Install webgen:
gem install webgen
- That’s it! Good luck.
Thanks. I had to install zlib:
rvm pkg install zlib –verify-downloads 1
and build all again, but it worked.