:::: MENU ::::

Enable USB debugging mode on CyanogenMod 10

To enable the developer options settings in CyanogenMod 10 you need to do something quite obscure:

Go to Settings -> About Phone -> click “Build Number” six times in a row.

This information is available elsewhere, including where I found it, but hopefully reposting here will make it easier to find.


  • Reply Lester Jude Tano |

    Nice blog!!! thanks for the post. Helped me a lot. Didnt know about this hiddent stuff.

  • Reply DJ |

    Phew….. was about to pull my hair in frustration… thank you soo much…..

  • Reply Sonny Aguilar |

    I am about to reflash my ROM and look for another version with USB debugging. It is a blessing in disguise to have a serious look on your post to solve my problem. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I owe you

  • Reply samtuke |

    @Lak: Yes! Go to Settings->Developer Options, and top right change the “on” toggle to “off”. Afterwards, the developer options will no longer be visible in the Settings menu.

    @Sonny Aguilar, @muzashi1963: Glad to be of service πŸ™‚

  • Reply John G |

    Good work mate. I didn’t realise it was that well hidden.
    Excellent – saved me tearing my hair out/smashing phone etc. πŸ˜‰

  • Reply James |

    When I tap “About Phone” it says “unfortunately settings has stopped” & goes back to home screen.

    • Reply samtuke |

      Sounds like a bug – I’m not sure if its related to trebuchet (cyanogen’s launcher) – you could try clearing the local data associated with trebuchet in settings-> apps-> all -> trebuchet -> clear data. You shouldn’t lose any settings or anything important by doing that

So, what do you think ?